Further, I think it is important to "vote with your dollars", meaning that you should buy from organizations and people that you support. Who you buy from is just as important as what you are buying. And I can only think of a few companies as worthy as Barefoot Books.
This is why I think Barefoot Books are worth it:
- You will be supporting a local entrepreneur (me!) and a values-driven organization that is committed to educating our children as the caretakers of tomorrow. For more information about what makes Barefoot Books different from other books, check out my blog post here.
- These are the books that you will "buy for keeps" - the ones that you hang onto once your children have outgrown them, and the ones that you will pass on to your grandchildren.
- The cost per use of these books is significantly less than others. Trust me. The books are gorgeous and so engaging for children that you will find that they will gravitate to them again and again. You might as well spend $10 on a book that is read 100 times, rather than $2 on a book that is read only twice.
- These books are sustainably produced, of great quality and will last a lifetime.
- These books will help you set the tone for the kind of person you want your child to be - compassionate, curious, joyful, optimistic, brave and respectful. And there is no price you can put on that!
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For a list of Recommended Books, please click here.