Monday, 30 March 2015

Become a Barefoot Books Ambassador!


I decided to become a Barefoot Books Ambassador on a whim, so you can too! ;)

I am (somewhat) joking, but, really, there is very little risk and potentially a huge reward!

I have been having a blast with Barefoot so far.  To be honest, I'm a little surprised at how easy it has been to share Barefoot Books with others.  I am not a natural sales person, so I was nervous about signing up.  However, the books are so diverse, values-driven, and beautiful that they basically sell themselves.  Almost everyone who seems them falls in love with them.  I have really enjoyed myself so far - nothing beats sharing something you care about with others.

For all the nitty-gritty about becoming an Ambassador, check out my blog post about Life as an Ambassador.  It will answer almost all of your questions :)  In the meantime, check out my...

My Top 5 reasons to sign up as an Ambassador right now:
  1. Becoming a Barefoot Ambassador is different than any other direct selling company - we're here to share a message about the importance of children's literacy and to share our values of environmental sustainability, compassion and diversity.  
  2. Signing up gives you the opportunity to earn $600 worth of Barefoot Books for only $150!  It's the BEST deal! PLUS starter kits are on sale this month for only $99 (instead of $139!)
  3. Barefoot Books is still growing in Canada.  There is very little competition and tonnes of room for new Ambassadors.  The best time to get into a direct selling business is at the beginning - and we're at the beginning!  Plus, Barefoot recently announced that they will be making significant investments in Canada over the next 6-12 months.  Very exciting!
  4. There is SO much support in the wider Ambassador community.  No one is competitive and everyone shares the same values as you have.  It truly has been amazing getting to know everyone.
  5. There is absolutely no risk to signing up.  There are no penalties for leaving Barefoot if it doesn't work out.  And you can absolutely keep that gorgeous starter kit!  
For more details about becoming an Ambassador, visit the official site here, or send me an email using the contact form on the right.

What are you waiting for?  Sign up today!